Have you ever missed something that was right in front of your face? For instance, that time you were missing your cell phone and it was in your hand the whole time. Or the time you looked for your glasses only to find them on your head!
The busier and more distracted I am, the more I find myself looking for things that are right in front of my face.
Last week, my friend Morrighan and I went on a hike. I LOVE to go on hikes. I’m sad to say it has probably been a year plus since I have been on one. I am a busy wife, mother of three, and a
As we started out, my eyes were focused on the ground. Just watching dirt and rocks pass by as we walked. My perspective was limited to where my eyes were focused, and I was about to realize that my world had become really small.
We were about five minutes into our hike and Morrighan shouts, “Look at the ladybugs!”… as she looks at a dead bush.
Did I mention we live in Arizona… the desert?
I looked at the bush, then my friend, then back at the bush. I did not see any ladybugs. She leaned into the bush and pointed out two ladybugs tucked into the center of the bush like Waldo in a Where’s Waldo book.
How in the world did she see two teeny, tiny ladybugs? She must have great eye
About 100 feet down the trail, Morrighan got even more excited that the caterpillars were back. Again, I looked toward where her gaze was focused and saw nothing.
She leaned down to pick one up, and as she did, it was as if my eyes adjusted like binoculars, I could clearly see that they were everywhere!

I felt like a kid again as we picked some of them up and enjoyed their fuzziness. They were so much fun!
After that adventure, Morrighan began to point out all of the beautiful wildflowers that surrounded us. It was as if my eyes had opened up. Instead of only seeing the dirt, rocks and the trail before us, I lifted my head to see the beauty that was around us.
My world went from small, to really big and beautiful. I started to feel the weight of my burdens releasing.
I couldn’t help but feel that God rejoiced in our time together. He doesn’t want my perspective to be limited; He didn’t create all of the beauty around me to not be enjoyed. I was beginning to see the wonder of all that He created.
The more we hiked, the more my head lifted. As it did, I saw color everywhere! Yellow flowers, purple, and pink, scattered throughout the spectacular desert that had just come to life for me.
Then she did it again!
We were sitting on a rock and she says, “Do you see that frog?” Let me ask you, in this picture, do you see the frog?

That is how far away it was! I didn’t see it at all, it looked like part of the rock!
Sure enough, when she got up close, it was a frog.

It was as if God had hidden treasures all along our path for us to find.
We had a choice to walk hurriedly focused on our destination, or lift our head and enjoy the journey along the way.
There was a part of me that didn’t want to get back in the car. I wondered if I could sustain the adventure and deep breaths that I enjoyed on our hike together. I felt refreshed and didn’t want to allow my vision to become small again.
After we said goodbye, I went to pick up my kids from school. As I drove I noticed the wildflowers. They were all over on the side of the road!
I hadn’t noticed them before. Routine and a busy
I texted Morrighan and said, “Did you know there are wildflowers everywhere? I have never noticed them on my route before.”

Her response was “I love THIS! I love that you noticed!! They are everywhere singing, “I’m so pretty! Look at me!”
God definitely used her to change my perspective and show me what I had been missing. I appreciate her friendship so much and love all of the joy that she brings to my life.
What are you missing?
I was missing nature, beauty, and childlike joy. Do you know what I was also missing? The look in my daughter’s eyes when she has something deep weighing on her heart.
I was missing the joy in my seven-year-olds smile as he acts silly while I am making dinner. If my head stays down, I miss so much.
Looking back, I picture my head hanging low with all the weight and burden I was carrying at the time. In our fast paced life it is easy to get weary. For me, when I get weary the first thing I lose is my perspective and it affects my ability to stop, rest and enjoy the beauty around me.
When I am weary, I get into “go mode” where I try to fix everything myself. I am like a two-year-old at times who says, “I do it myself!” But I don’t have to and neither do you.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28-29
Are you weary or burdened? Jesus simply says, “Come to me.”
Come to me… This is from the Greek which is a greeting that literally means “Come—Come Now! I am inviting you to come!” In Greek it has the feeling of an exclamation, which lets you know that Jesus joyfully welcomes you to come to Him. He is wooing you, enticing you to come to Him.
The words weary and burdened describe a person who has become completely exhausted due to nonstop continuous work. It also depicts a person who is carrying a heavy load on his back.
If that is you, then Jesus simply says, Come to me.
If you respond to this invitation to come to Him, and be renewed in His presence then He promises that He will give you rest. (It may not mean a literal nap like we would like) but it means to refresh, take ease, recover and collect your strength.
Using these expanded words in the Greek, it would read…
Come—Come Now! I am inviting you to come! If you have become completely exhausted due to nonstop continuous work or if you are carrying a heavy load on your back, I will give you rest, refreshment, allow you to recover and collect your strength.
When our head is lowered, our world is small; it is not much bigger than the dirt and rocks in our path. When we raise our head and focus on Jesus, we begin to notice the smaller things, the hidden beauty. Our world becomes bigger and our problems begin to shrink.
I once heard a pastor say, “Are you telling God how big your problems are, or are you telling your problems how big your God is?”
You are a Reclaimer!
Let’s allow Jesus to do what only He can do, reclaim our joy, our rest and our perspective.
How are you going to “Come to Him?” this week?
It may look like finding a quiet spot to pray or taking a walk or a hike. Perhaps it is a drive to the top of a street that overlooks your
Come to Him, He can reclaim your rest, joy and peace.
May you take the steps towards Him this week, to reclaim your rest as well as your perspective. Give your cares and concerns to Him and trust Him through the process.
You were not meant to carry it alone.
What are you going to do this week to “Come to Him” and make Him your focus?
Share in the comments below. We would love to celebrate with you!
Wow! Just WOW! This was so inspiring my friend. Beautifully written and shared. What a heart you have! What a day WE had! #wooamenhoo
It really is amazing how much we miss when our head is hanging low due to lives burdens. We miss those beautiful treasures you wrote of that God has left for us. Treasures that are always there! We just don’t see them because we are too busy (or insert any other reason here) reacting to the perceived demands of our daily lives. I’ve been there myself in many ways – not noticing anything other than my own busyness and suffering. Feeling the weight of my exhaustion. Harboring resentments about everything that takes even the slightest bit of what I have left of my precious energy. Feeling depleted, exhausted, overwhelmed and even bitter. I’ve walked that path. Let me rephrase that; I have crawled over glass on that path.
LOL! Still have days that I do. But YOU are right! God is here! My newly birthed relationship with our beautiful God has clearly revealed that He really is with us every day and in every moment or situation that we are dealing with. Even before I knew Him He knew me. He was helping me when I would not take his hand. His love was truly relentless. Thank you God! It’s about trust. Trusting that God is bigger than our problems, challenges, fears and even our anger.
You are an incredibly woman walking on an incredible journey. I love you. I admire you. I call you my friend. What a blessing! #frogsarefun 😉
YES! YES! YES! Friend, I love your description of being there! I think we all can relate to one, many or all of what you listed. I can’t thank you enough for showing me the beauty that was before my eyes, and reminding me of the joy that is mine in Christ. My joy is renewed when I get to see Him in your eyes! I love you, admire you and am learning so much from you!
Thank you for this wonderful reminder to slow down and enjoy God’s creation! I plan on taking a walk this week and seeing if I can “spy” any of God’s hidden treasures along the way!
Karissa, YAY! I would love to hear what you find! I spy a great walk for you! 🙂