“What have you done to my daughter?” Mom yelled at my stepfather, Oscar, as she grabbed me to get a closer look. “Her hair will grow out thicker,” he explained. I was about three years old when Oscar shaved all my hair off. As I got older, Mom made it a point that I...
Growing up in a fractured family, I doubt I understood genuine love. This yearning led me astray as I sought "love" in all the wrong places. By age 16, I found myself pregnant with my first child. Faced with the ultimatum to either terminate my pregnancy or go live...
For as long as I can remember, my biggest struggles were feeling inadequate and unworthy. I was told for a large part of my life that I would never amount to anything by someone I was supposed to be able to turn to. I had no idea where to find self-worth, and there...
Humans make terrible mistakes; we can deeply hurt the ones we love and leave scars. We don’t remember why, or the why is not important anymore, but the scars remain. One of the most difficult, hurtful relationships in my life was with my mother. Her unhappiness...
After living a promiscuous life, wrecking relationships and trying drugs in my 20s, I was as empty as ever. I remember wanting to feel clean and being ashamed of the horrible reputation I had. I was searching for my value in others. I wanted to feel safe and...
I had been happy and content as a stay-at-home mom for 10 years. But after turning 30, I began to struggle with my identity. I started searching for validation, empowerment and purpose from outside voices and opinions. I joined a fitness group and found exactly what I...
When I left home for my first year of college I was met head-on with crippling social anxiety and depression. I was all alone at an out-of-state school and in my loneliness and isolation, I began shopping to fill the void. I loaded up on new clothes, food, and things...
At the age of 42, I found out that I had survived two attempts to end my life before I took my first breath. When my mom found out she was pregnant with me, it was not a great time in her life to have another baby. She had an 18-year-old daughter, no kids in...
In my life I have struggled with being invisible and feeling insignificant, unwanted, worthless and useless. I hated myself. I rarely remember feeling truly happy as a child. Although I was one of six children, feeling securely connected as a family was unknown to me....