“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4
For the next generation to know who God is, we must tell them! This poetic narrative declaring the truth that God is I AM, is a good place to start. As believers, we must be the torchbearers of truth that light the path for the next generation to walk in.
Knowing I AM
Our Father in Heaven,
Majesty enthroned.
The I AM of eternity,
Who spoke existence to
Everything that is known.
Before time began,
The WORD was and is
Life and light,
Calling you forth from darkness,
Raising you from the dead of night.
The WORD speaks…
I Am the Good Shepherd
You have no need to fear.
Still waters steady your trembling spirit,
Salvation-soaked pastures draw you near.
The sheep-hungry thief comes to
Steal, kill and destroy,
But the Good Shepherd is your
Protector, Peace, Strength, and Joy.
I Am the True Vine
You can do nothing apart from Me.
Bare, brittle branches lie subject to burning.
So remain in Me and see,
The budding fruit of complete joy
That a heart yielded to pruning
Can fully receive.
Come abide with Abba, the Gardener.
Obey and stay rooted in His love.
Do not be swayed by the darkness of today.
Instead, unearth those toxic thoughts from
Sin-drenched soil and transplant them
In the Father’s grace-laced garden of truth up above.
I Am the Bread of Life.
Your soul is satisfied.
Come feast at the table of the LORD
Where no one is denied.
A hungry heart yearns
To taste and see that the LORD is good.
The Living Water fills and heals your
Dry and sin-cracked cistern
Like no other ever could.
I Am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE
Follow Me and be set free,
From the lies that have bound and buried you,
My lavish gift of grace you will receive.
I Am the GATE to eternity.
Salvation is found only through Me.
I am preparing a place for you in Glory,
So don’t find comfort in what’s temporary.
When I return, all things will be restored,
And you will dwell with Me in Heaven forevermore.
I Am the Resurrection and the Life
The dead in Christ will rise.
I, the Groom, will come for My bride.
Scarlett-stained burial clothes are
Washed to a brilliant white
As I call you out from the grave
To live an abundant life.
I Am the Light of the World
Believe in Me and be set free.
No longer do you have to live in darkness.
No more a slave to sin do you need to be.
In this life you will have trouble,
But take heart, for I have overcome!
Satan has been defeated and the victory has been won!
I have called you, my torchbearers of truth to be,
Lighting the path for the next generation to see.
So do not fear; do not be dismayed,
I AM will be with you to the very end of the age.
Copyright 2021 http://www.valerielmcmahon.com