What a wonderful way to start the month of April, right on the heels of Easter!! Easter is always a sweet reminder that Jesus conquered the grave and death! It was not the end of His story and it’s not the end of yours either!!
With this in mind, let’s take a look at the meaning behind Reclaimed Story!
Reclaim means to rescue from an undesirable state; to restore to a previous natural state. If you reclaim something that you have lost or that has been taken away from you, you succeed in getting it back.
I love this–especially in relation to God and what He is doing in our own personal stories! Why? We all have a story and then we have a story that we tell ourselves. God can rewrite the way we see our story and give us hope in what is to come because of His restoration in our lives.
With God’s power and our permission, that same might that enabled Jesus to overcome death can be accessed to reclaim or restore those things in our lives that we have done wrong or that have been stolen. God can redeem for us what has been lost or broken.
Joel 2:25 says, “I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm.” In other words, God declares that His mercy and grace are greater than our mistakes and He is a master at fixing any disaster!
God loves us that much!
Whether we’ve done things that are our own fault, other people have done things to us, or it is the enemy who has stolen from us, God is still the Redeemer!
God wants us to have our dreams fulfilled. He wants us to have joy. He wants us to have health in our bodies. He is a good God! And He’s got good things in store for us. In fact, it is God’s heart to not only restore, but to compassionately re-make something even better than before!
One testimony of this in the lives of His children is recorded in God’s word. Isaiah 61 and 62 tell the story of God restoring what was lost and broken and instead giving His children something more glorious and new in its place.
Isaiah 62:4 says, “No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah (delighted in, protected), and your land Beulah (married) for the Lord will take delight in you.”
The prophet was rejoicing because of the restoration of the nation of Israel to the city of Jerusalem after being released from exile in Babylon. God had been faithful in protecting His people and in fulfilling His promise to bring them back to their homeland. He gave them a new name and even re-established their city to a more beautiful design.
What I have come to understand about God’s restoration has made a powerful difference in my life. And I believe it can make a powerful difference in yours!
God was, is, and will continue to be in the business of restoring and making all things new. If we have a relationship with Him, acknowledge the things that we have done that go against His will for us, and ask Him to rewrite our story, He will prove His faithfulness to us every time!
Take time today to reflect on what He is restoring and reclaiming in your life.
Allow scripture and the Holy Spirit to help you see yourself as one transformed and set free by His grace. Let this truth be the source of your strength. And may you experience the freedom and hope that comes from that today!
Reclaiming Freedom and Hope Together,

Our podcast guest this week is Kelley Meshirer. Get ready for a story that will inspire your prayer life. Kelley shares how God saved her husband’s life during a traumatic shooting incident after a series of miracles. When you hear Kelley’s story, I hope you are encouraged that God will be with you no matter what is going on in your life. He is also with your loved ones, even when you can’t be. Listen to A Night of Miracles.

Did you know that Reclaimed Story has our own jewelry line? Denisha, our founder, spent 20 years in fine jewelry before going into ministry. Each jewelry purchase helps fund the ministry of Reclaimed Story. Shop the line HERE