Our Lives Changed Last Friday…

by | Jan 28, 2020

It started out as a normal morning. I got the kids off to school, began to get things done for the day, had my to-do list and I was executing it. This seemingly normal day quickly changed into a day that I will never forget. 

Just after lunchtime, in Washington D.C. at the March for Life, the project that I mentioned in my last post was about to launch. In this media campaign, 14 survivors of abortion including myself share our personal stories and challenge viewers to recognize that ‘choice’ isn’t a decision to be made, ‘choice’ is a person. 

Our campaign was set to launch shortly after President Trump spoke. Over 2000 miles away from the event, as the moment grew closer, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. This was the very first time that I would see the campaign and the website.

Courtesy of C-SPAN

Following two incredible speeches by survivors Claire Culwell, and Melissa Ohden, Melissa introduced the commercial and it began to play on the Jumbo-trons. When I saw the commercial for the first time, I cried. 


I cried because it is a thought-provoking visual filled with people that I am getting to know personally; each of us share the same story. An abortion attempt would have and should have taken our life. Yet we are alive. 

Each of our stories demonstrate incredible miracles.

Miracles of life, but also of forgiveness and reconciliation. It would be understandable if as survivors we were walking in anger, or unforgiveness. Yet what you will see in each of our stories, is redemption. Redeemed relationships, peace, purpose, and love.  

In these stories, you see Jesus.

One of my favorite passages and the one that Reclaimed Story is built upon;

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:10

That is a perfect passage to describe what has taken place in our lives. A decision intended to steal, kill, and destroy our lives has been overturned and instead we have an abundant life filled with love, forgiveness, and Jesus. 

As our stories launched out into the world through the website, social media, and news media; stories began coming in. 

Your stories. 

Here are a few that I have personally heard in the past four days.

~Three stories of attempted at home abortions that failed. 

~Several stories of friends who have helped other friends walk through an abortion. 

~One story of a man who didn’t want the abortion, yet it was completed without his consent. 

~Many, many, stories of women who have experienced abortion and yet have never told anyone. 

~A couple of stories of mom’s who walked into an abortion clinic only to turn around and walk back out.

These are our stories.

1 out of 4 women in the United States have experienced an abortion by the age of 45. (According to Guttmacher Institute researchers Rachel Jones and Jenna Jerman, 2017.) These women need your love, support and willingness to listen. Women just like my mom. 

What a privilege it is to be a part of this new generation of Reclaimers. Those that love like Jesus, listen like Jesus and help bring healing to wounds through Jesus. It is a great time to be alive. 

Below are the links to the ‘Faces of Choice” website. Click “Face the Choice” and the commercial will play. It is powerful, intense and true!

Once on the website you will get to meet some of my new friends, actual abortion survivors. Each of us with a unique story, led by God through our own process of reconciliation.  

Let’s Reclaim our stories together. May we see Jesus in our stories.

Website: www.facesofchoice.org

We have the opportunity to have the Faces Of Choice commercial aired during the Super Bowl this Sunday! We need your help to encourage Fox to clear it. Will you help us? Click HERE to sign the campaign.

Although it is on the site, here is a direct link to my story. 

More Articles From Reclaimed Story Are Available Here


  1. Thomas Wheeler

    Truly awesome, Denisha. And I can see your face (several times) in the collage of faces above. 🙂

    • Denisha Workizer

      Thank you Tom!

  2. Teresa Strey

    My mom was taken to a dr to have me aborted. She didn’t want it so the dr didn’t perform it! Thank you God for my moms choice to stand up for me!

    • Denisha Workizer

      Amen! I am so thankful that she did too! Sounds like it was a beautiful choice in the midst of a difficult time.

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