Living On Purpose

by | Jul 2, 2019

“But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 

Over the past two blogs, Denisha talked about how easy it is for us to get in our own way in life and how when we say yes to something we, by default, say no to something else. We often don’t realize where our choices lead us in life. 

Have you ever had a moment where you asked yourself, “How did I get to this place?”

Maybe you suddenly realize you are 8 episodes into a show and your whole day is accidentally gone, hypothetically of course…I have never done this… Or maybe you realize you have been inadvertently scrolling through social media for who knows how long when you really needed to be spending the time doing something else…or maybe you spent your day off watching Captain Marvel instead of writing a blog and then find yourself scrambling to write it the night before it goes live…

Again, I have never done this… 

If you are like me you can find yourself doing more things by accident then you do on purpose. And then you look around and say, “What happened? How did I get here?!”

Prioritizing things in our life that we are going to do “on purpose” is necessary to help us get to where we want to get too in our life. In order to do that we have to know where we are going. 

What has first place and highest importance in your life? What goal are you working towards? And what is your drive and motivation to get to that place? 

Fill in the blank: Most importantly I want to be _________ in my life.

One of my students at work shared her testimony with our board of directors last week and she talked about how she used to think that “feeling happy” was the most important thing in life, so she would make decisions that lead her toward that feeling of happiness. And then she said, 

“But now I know that my relationship with Jesus is the most important thing.” 

She is learning how to make intentional and deliberate choices that are influenced and motivated by her relationship with Jesus and His effect on her life. He now drives her choices, her actions, her words, her perspective on her future, and her priorities. These girls teach me so much more than I could ever teach them. 

We weren’t created to “be happy” we were created to be holy. It is so easy to live for what makes us happy at the moment instead of living for something greater. We were created to be set apart as a model to the rest of the world of what supernatural life is like in the Kingdom. If we live to be holy, we will remove anything that hinders that holiness and interrupts our relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We will pursue His will and His love.

We weren’t created to “be busy” we were created for a relationship; with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Then secondly, with those around us.  We will pursue others and what is important to them.

We weren’t created to be “salty and lit” we were created to be SALT and LIGHT. 

Will you join me in resolving to: 

Pursue your relationship with God ON PURPOSE. 

Pursue prayer and worship ON PURPOSE.

Pursue relationships with others and what is important to them ON PURPOSE. 

On purpose kind of people seek first: Healing, Holiness, Growth, Freedom, Peace, Learning, Integrity, The Kingdom, Righteousness… add your own here… 

Seek: To attempt to find something, to ask for or look for something, aim at, search for, chase down, quest, pursue, hunt. 

First: Coming before all others in time or order; foremost in position, rank or importance, preceding all others, having the highest or most prominent part. 

“One thing I have asked from the Lord that I shall seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.” Psalms 27:4 

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  1. Ruthie L

    So good!! Beautiful! Great words of wisdom to keep us focused on our life force- Jesus.

  2. Karissa Richardson Richardson

    Your hypotheticals are too funny. Love how your student shared that being happy wasn’t the most important thing…but I must admit it is nice when we are. Blessings!

  3. Elizabeth

    LOVE! Will you pray that I have purpose for the remainder of the month? June started off beautifully and I was laser focused and now I find myself not being as purposeful and letting the heat and summer throw off my plans. Thank you Reclaimers!

    • Alicia Suarez

      Thank you Ruthie!

      I aim to make you laugh Ms Kari! Watching these girls learn how to not base their life on feeling feelings of “happiness” in substances or something else and feeling in love with lasting Joy is amazing!

      Definitely praying for you Elizabeth! Hugs.

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