Days That Shape History

by | Jan 23, 2020

My hope is that as we share a few moments today, we respect each other’s point of view, even if it differs from our own, as we take a look at January’s of the past and the present. 

One year ago, January 22, 2019 I texted my dad and asked if my mom had ever considered an abortion with me. It was two hours later that I found out she didn’t just consider it; she actually had the procedure. 

Less than two months later, she discovered that she was still pregnant. Only then, she was too far along to terminate her pregnancy. I survived the abortion attempt and was born healthy and full term. 

I did not know how to process this new piece of my story.

When my Dad gave me the news, my hands and legs went numb. My whole body tingled, then, I became hurt and confused. I was in shock!

Through prayer, forgiveness, and counseling, I ultimately landed at a place where I felt a deep compassion for what my mom had gone through in the midst of her decision. That compassion, was from Jesus.

I was so sad that life treated her in a way where she felt that she had to consider that option. To top it off, two months later she found out she was still carrying the child that she had tried to abort. I can’t imagine what she was going through. 

You can read my full story here.

Things could have been very different for me. The year I was born it was only legal to have an abortion within the first trimester. Thankfully, when my mom found out the abortion had failed, she was 1 month too far along to try again. 

January is “Sanctity of Life” Month. 

“The sanctity of life is the theological or philosophical understanding that all human life has an inherent dignity, worth and sacredness that sets it apart from all other beings within the world.” (Source:

The term sanctity of life, reflects Genesis 1:27 that all people are made in the image of God and should be protected and respected. 

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27 

January 1973- January 2020

Forty-seven years ago, on January 22nd 1973 abortions were legalized across the U.S. in the famous case of Roe Vs. Wade. 

Fun Fact: Norma McCorvey, was the “Roe” of Roe vs. Wade. Thinking that she wanted to have an abortion at the time, she had no idea this would lead up to such a controversial issue. Since August 8, 1995, Norma is 100% pro-life. 

On January 22, 2019, on the anniversary of Roe Vs Wade, New York passed the Reproductive Health Act, which allows late trimester abortions in New York up until birth. This was the same day I found out about my story. It left me stunned. If I had been conceived under this law, I would not be here today. Neither would my 3 children. These decisions affect generations.

National Sanctity of Human Life Day 

1984-1988 President Ronald Regan made the 3rd Sunday in January National Sanctity of Human life day. As of 1984, 15 million children in the U.S. were lost to abortion. By 1988, that number jumped to 22 million in a nation of 242 million people. 

This proclamation was continued by George H.W. Bush (1989-1993) George W. Bush (2001-2009) Donald Trump (2018/2020). Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were the only two presidents who did not continue the National Sanctity of Human Life Day. (Source:

Yesterday, President Trump on the anniversary of Roe Vs. Wade proclaimed once again January 22, 2020 to be National Sanctity of Human Life Day.

Below is a quote from his proclamation. 

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 22, 2020, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.  Today, I call on the Congress to join me in protecting and defending the dignity of every human life, including those not yet born. 

 I call on the American people to continue to care for women in unexpected pregnancies and to support adoption and foster care in a more meaningful way, so every child can have a loving home. And finally, I ask every citizen of this great Nation to listen to the sound of silence caused by a generation lost to us, and then to raise their voices for all affected by abortion, both seen and unseen.” 


Now that we have taken a look at history, let’s look at what is taking place tomorrow Friday, January 24th, 2020; The March For Life in Washington D.C.

President Trump will be the first president in history to speak in person at the March for Life. (Others have spoken via video but not in person.) Also, on the various stages will be Claire Culwell, a twin abortion survivor. As well as Melissa Ohden, an abortion survivor and founder of the Abortion Survivor’s Network

It is their stories and work in this arena that brings awareness to the fact that abortion isn’t a simple solution to a complex life situation. 

“Survivors need support. Our world needs the truth about the impact of abortion. Our world needs healing.” ~Melissa Ohden

Through The Abortion Survivors Network, myself and others have found a tribe of hundreds of other survivors. 

We move forward together, seeking Jesus for healing, and helping people whose stories include abortion.  

When I hear the word abortion it is uncomfortable, my stomach gets tight. As you are reading this, you may be experiencing that feeling as well.

We need to talk about it. YES, it is controversial, YES, it is very sensitive, but we must use our voice and NOT be silent. 

As President Trump said, “Listen to the sound of silence caused by a generation lost to us.” 

We can’t stay silent 

It takes two to create a baby. With over 60 million abortions in the U.S. in the last 47 years. That leaves 120 Million people whose lives have been impacted by abortion. 

Each of those people have a story that is uniquely theirs. Many men and women carry the weight of that decision on a daily basis. Yet they don’t often talk about it, especially in the church. 

My mom passed away decades ago. I wish that I could wrap my arms around her and say, “I know. I can’t imagine how hard all of it was for you. I forgive you; I love you.”

My heart has a deep desire to help both men and woman who have experienced abortion. I want them to know that in Christ they are loved. They are forgiven and maybe, just maybe, it is time to forgive themselves. 

We can’t sit back and pretend that women facing unplanned pregnancies, men and women with abortion experiences, and people who survived abortions don’t exist. 

This is the time to take action 

In addition to encouraging people to Reclaim Their Story through Christ who have not had an unexpected pregnancy , we are actively engaging in the following areas of ministry.

Pregnancy Equipping Center: Reclaimed Story is partnering with friends from our church to open a local pregnancy equipping center, “With You Ministries.” Women and men will receive support, mentoring, life skills, parenting classes, and discipleship.   

Abortion Recovery: Reclaimed Story is a new chapter of SaveOne. Through which we help men, women, and families recover after an abortion experience.

Survivor Awareness: When I first found out that I was an abortion survivor, I was sure I was the only one. Until I found the Abortion Survivors Network. Hearing other people’s stories and miracles of life gave me the courage to forgive, but also the desire to bring awareness to this silenced piece of many abortion stories. 

Tomorrow, January 24th, 2020, at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. alongside our President, we will be unveiling a project that brings awareness to abortion survivors. 

I had the opportunity to share my story as part of this project along with many other survivors. 

I have chosen to share my story with the hope to help men and women Reclaim theirs. Maybe, future generations will have the opportunity to live their story, because I didn’t remain silent.

I invite you to enter into the hard conversations. Even with people who believe differently than you. Not to argue or debate, but to talk with a heart rooted in respect and love. 

If abortion is a part of your story, you are not alone. 

There is a new generation of pro-love people rising up not to condemn, judge, or point fingers. They will pull up a seat next to you, and listen. 

We will meet you within the story that is uniquely yours, and say the words I wish I could say to my mom. 

I know. I can’t imagine how hard all of it was for you. You are forgiven; you are loved. There is hope to heal, there is hope to move forward, there is a love so real, so tangible, there is restoration through Jesus. 

You Can Reclaim Your Story 

With Jesus, you are fully known and fully loved by the God of the universe who made you in His image. 

We are here to help, and to listen to your story. Reach out to us at HERE

Take Action

If you would like to partner with us as we boldly proclaim a new generation of pro-love both in our local community and eventually around the world, you can DONATE HERE

If you have a heart for this area of ministry, a passion for intercession, or if you have contacts that would be helpful in this arena, please email us HERE 

This article is not intended to reflect all of the facets and complexity of this topic.

Reclaiming Life Together,

Read More Articles From Reclaimed Story Here


  1. Sally Smale

    So very well written and conveyed! Proud of your courage and determination to bring awareness and understanding about this issue and provide aid for those involved. I’m here cheering you on!!! ❤

  2. Denisha Workizer

    Thank you so much Sally! Love you!

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