When most people think about dropping some weight, it usually refers to the need to lose a few pounds. Today, we aren’t talking about losing physical weight, but rather emotional and spiritual weight. In episode 31 of our podcast Living the Reclaimed Life, Sally Knipe shares her wisdom on some of the consequences of carrying around extra baggage in your life and how you can shed the weight of hurt, disappointment, and regret in exchange for healing.
“God has a purpose… then He creates.” ~ Sally Knipe
Think about that for a moment. God had a purpose layed out and THEN He created you to fulfill it. Honestly, I always assumed that He created me and then found something to give me purpose. When Sally said this on the podcast, my mind was blown. What prevents us from fulfilling our purpose? Unresolved hurt in our lives. Bitterness. Unforgiveness. Being critical of ourselves or others. A cruel tongue. The list goes on. Here’s some questions to ask: Do I want to be healed from these things that are keeping me stuck? Do I want to let go of this unnecessary “weight” I”m carrying?
Because we can’t move forward with fulfilling our purpose until we are ready to move forward in the healing process.
When it comes to dropping the weight of our past, our mistakes, our fears, and our hurts we must examine these three things:
- Am I ready to look at it?
- Am I ready to deal with it?
- Can I hand it over to God?
The baggage we carry hinders us from fulfilling our purpose. But remember, there is nothing you have done that God will not forgive and there is nothing that has been done to you that God cannot heal. Every pain carries purpose and every trial we go through makes us who we are. God promises us in Romans 8:28 that He will work all things together for our good and His glory. We can trust Him at His word. And we can be healed and fulfill our God-given purpose in life!
Reclaiming Our God-Given Purpose Together,