Change of Seasons

by | Oct 15, 2019

Here in Arizona, it is starting to feel like fall which means that we can no longer bake cookies on the dashboard of our car! HA, HA! Seriously, lows are 55 and highs are in the 80’s. That is fall in Arizona.

This has us thinking about the change of seasons in our lives, and we are recognizing the changes that God is taking us through both personally and professionally.

Are you experiencing a change of seasons in your life? 

When we are in a season of change, things can feel like they don’t make sense, we may find ourselves confused or afraid. We may not understand how something is going to turn out, or what the big picture will look like in the end. 

When we feel that way we can focus on the fact that, WE HAVE AN AMAZING, AWESOME, BIG GOD!  

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19

Isaiah 43:19

Sometimes the way we ‘perceive it’ is limited to only seeing the backside of the quilt. It is full of knots, loose ends, and details that are crisscrossed, and just plain messy. We can get discouraged, disillusioned and it would be easy to give up.

When you experience those moments, shift your focus into trusting the One who designed the quilt. Remember, God sees the front before you ever lay eyes on the details that are on the back.

He sees the end from the beginning.

He is doing a new thing. Thank you for your prayers over the past couple of weeks! We have felt them! God is beginning to open up several unexpected opportunities to share His story and help others to Reclaim their story through Christ. 

In the past month, we have had the opportunity to be involved in a national commercial, and three episodes for an international T.V. show that will begin to air next week. We are in awe of how God is working behind the scenes. He has begun connecting us with people who have the same kind of crazy, big, audacious dreams that we have for Reclaimed Story.

Although all of that is amazing, and there are days we are pinching ourselves. Tonight as we write to you it feels a little like the backside of the quilt.

We believe that in this new season, we have to trust what we can’t yet see. We have to hold our hands open and allow God to set up the details and continue to keep stepping into the new opportunities He sets before us.

Even when they seem scary or too big.

If you can relate to a season of change, you are not alone. You can count on the fact that God is working all things and details behind the scenes. Let’s perceive the changes we are experiencing through the lens of trust and adventure!

We pray that as we each enter our new seasons, that we would be a community that encourages and uplifts one another. We serve an amazing God and He has good things in store for you!

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