Trusting God

Reclaim The Ruts

Reclaim The Ruts

“…Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2 One of the hardest things about walking out our new life in Christ is that our thoughts form patterns. Patterns of thinking that are created over time. Think of a dirt road that has ruts worn into it...

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The Journal

The Journal

I want to introduce you to Francyn. I have only met her a handful of times. When I first met her, she brought me to tears sharing her incredible story in front of a room full of strangers. Alicia introduced us and is the only connection I have to Francyn. When Alicia...

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Fully Aligned and Fully Available

Fully Aligned and Fully Available

“If my people who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face...” 2 Chronicles 7:14 — Often, I find myself praying for something to change, to have all that God has available for me. But then I look back and realize I’ve done nothing to...

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Anticipation for the New Year

Anticipation for the New Year

Whenever our family takes a road trip we have a tradition of having a goodie bag in the car full of surprises. With three children, the echo of  "Are we there yet?" never ceases. To add a little fun to the car trip, approximately every couple of hours we play a...

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