“If my people who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face…” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Often, I find myself praying for something to change, to have all that God has available for me. But then I look back and realize I’ve done nothing to prepare and position myself to receive what I have asked for. I just keep doing what I’ve always done, and then get frustrated at God that He isn’t moving.
We’ve made these first posts about the main definitions of “Reclaim” for a reason. They are the foundation of our heart’s desire, not only for our own lives, but also for those of you Reclaimers who feel the same pull from Father toward something deeper.
We’ve talked about retrieving and recovering things lost, about bringing every area of our lives into a place of cultivation. And we’ve talked about what Christ did to rescue us and bring restoration to us who so desperately need Him. And now for the 4th definition:
Reclaim: To make available for use by changing natural conditions. To recall from wrong or improper conduct.
What we often see in religions all over the world is they have lists of what you have to do to get to God. The crazy thing about Jesus is that He left Heaven and invaded earth to get to YOU.
Wow, let’s think about that for a moment. He is a gentleman and waits until you are ready to fully surrender to Him and give Him full access to every area of your life.
What is hindering you from being fully available for God?
For some of us, it could be something big, for others, the little distractions trip them up just as much. In my life, I’ve often put conditions on my obedience; the “when”, “if”, and “I’d rather’s” of life tend to take the dominant position in my life.
Walking in radical obedience without conditions, excuses or safety nets scares the poo emojis out of me! Yep, you read that right.
This website is one of those moments for me. I felt the nudge to do it and all of my “when”, “if”, and “I’d rather” alarms began to ring. Yet how will I know if it was Him if I don’t step out in faith?
“If you debate for a second when God has spoken, it is all up. Never begin to say – “Well, I wonder if He did speak?” Be reckless immediately, fling it all out on Him. You do not know when His voice will come, but whenever the realization of God comes in the faintest way imaginable, recklessly abandon. It is only by abandon that you recognize Him. You will only realize His voice more clearly by recklessness.”
Oswald Chambers
How does one get that level of faith to step out in that kind of reckless abandon …..regardless of th things that hold us back?
Going into the new year, I know we all have things we want to do differently, step out in, and come into alignment with. What if we make the primary focus in our lives to press into who we are in Jesus? To spend some time praying and seeking His face. It is then, in that place that He meets with us, He gives us the courage and faith we need. He goes before us and prepares the way we are to go.
What stops you from stepping out?
Humble yourself, pray and seek His face. Mess and all.
Fear cannot stand in the Presence of God.
Focus on Him.
You have to humble yourself to do that. It’s saying that your God is bigger than your fear, bigger than all the things that hold you back. It’s choosing Him over fear. Over everything else. Jesus is always the better. Always.
This passage has a lot of depth to it. There is so much we could go into. But I’m going to focus on these 6 words:
Humble yourself. Pray. Seek His face.
That is how you overcome, come into alignment and become fully available. When those fears come up – humble yourself, pray, & seek His face.
The rest is in His hands.