When I think back on moments in my life, I can see how God was with me in the midst of things, even when I didn't know it. Even when I didn't feel Him, He was there. Wherever you are right now, God is not only listening, He is also in the process of rescuing,...
Sharing Your Faith
An Unforgettable Moment With God
The world is loud right now. The News, Facebook, Instagram, and Zoom. All are shouting about Covid, riots, fires, politics. Many voices, so many opinions, how do we hear God's voice amid all of the noise? With all the division in the world today, I thought we...
Who Is 6 Feet Away From You?
For a moment, I want you to think back on life before Covid19. Do you remember being in public with more than 10 people at a time? That feels like it was a long time ago. When you were in a line at Starbucks, did you strike up conversations with the person behind you?...
The Courage To Be Thankful
This week is Thanksgiving. We pray that your hearts and your plates are full. If you have been to my house in the last 5 yrs, this tree is in our living room. It has hearts for Valentines day, birds and eggs for Spring,...
We Love Because He First Loved Us.
Are you comfortable talking to strangers? When you are in line at Starbucks, do you strike up a conversation with the person behind you? At a restaurant, have you ever left your table to go and talk to people a few booths down? As a result of my introversion and being...
Compassion Is Action
Is it a sign of compassion when we get upset seeing someone being mistreated? Or that constant roller coaster of emotions as we watch the news? Maybe compassion is that sinking feeling deep down in the pit of our stomach when we scroll through our newsfeed and see...
The Journal
I want to introduce you to Francyn. I have only met her a handful of times. When I first met her, she brought me to tears sharing her incredible story in front of a room full of strangers. Alicia introduced us and is the only connection I have to Francyn. When Alicia...