When I think back on moments in my life, I can see how God was with me in the midst of things, even when I didn’t know it. Even when I didn’t feel Him, He was there.
Wherever you are right now, God is not only listening, He is also in the process of rescuing, restoring, and partnering with you in the redemption story that is happening in your life and all around you.
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.
Psalm 40:1-3
This verse means so much to me. As God has worked in my life, my prayer is that others will see what He has done and be amazed at His redemption, His love, and His faithfulness. My hope is that they will put their trust in Him to do the same for them.
How do we share with others what God has done in our lives?
Too many times I have believed the lie that says, “I am not qualified to be used by God, because I don’t know enough, I haven’t prayed enough, or ‘ministry’ is only for a chosen few.”
Friend, if you have ever had those thoughts, let me tell you that God desires to work through your life today! Right where you are, in the midst of your mountains and your valleys.
You don’t need a stage or a platform, you have something far greater! You have the LIFE-CHANGING love of Christ!
“As you go, proclaim this message: The kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 10:7
Did you catch that? We have an “AS YOU GO” message! AS YOU GO… to Target, to lunch, to the grocery store, in the mundane of the day, you bring the kingdom–the love of Christ–everywhere you go.
The body of Christ stepping out to share His love with the people in our everyday lives has the power to change everything.
Let’s encourage one another! Drop a story below of a time that you shared the love of Jesus in your everyday life!
Reclaiming His life-changing power for those around us,