Christian Living

We Love​ Because He First Loved Us.

We Love​ Because He First Loved Us.

Are you comfortable talking to strangers? When you are in line at Starbucks, do you strike up a conversation with the person behind you? At a restaurant, have you ever left your table to go and talk to people a few booths down? As a result of my introversion and being...

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Compassion Is Action

Compassion Is Action

Is it a sign of compassion when we get upset seeing someone being mistreated? Or that constant roller coaster of emotions as we watch the news? Maybe compassion is that sinking feeling deep down in the pit of our stomach when we scroll through our newsfeed and see...

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How do YOU meet with God?

How do YOU meet with God?

Recently, as I was packing to go on a trip with our family, I was reminded of a time when I was also packing and learned a significant lesson. My nightstand could pass for a shelf at Barnes and Noble. At any given time I have 5-10 books stacked up that I have started...

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Counting The Cost

Counting The Cost

It was 2009, I was dropping our oldest son off for first grade at the school located on our church campus. Also on the campus is a beautiful, stone, chapel. The curved stone walls isolate a beautiful courtyard green with grass. Pillars and arches frame this peaceful...

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Living On Purpose

Living On Purpose

“But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33  Over the past two blogs, Denisha talked about how easy it is for us to get in our own way in life and how when we say yes to something we, by default, say...

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The Trap

The Trap

I can’t believe I fell into the trap!
Last week, our family went to L.A. for Spring Break. My husband was already there on business so I packed all three kids in the car and we headed for California to meet him.

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I am “that person” on a Sunday morning. You have probably seen me, the one who is casually wiping the corner of her eyes, blinking super fast hoping the tears would absorb somewhere in my head before they roll down my cheeks. One of the things that bring me to that...

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The Journal

The Journal

I want to introduce you to Francyn. I have only met her a handful of times. When I first met her, she brought me to tears sharing her incredible story in front of a room full of strangers. Alicia introduced us and is the only connection I have to Francyn. When Alicia...

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The Ultimate Reclaimed Story

The Ultimate Reclaimed Story

This time of year has a special fragrance in the air. One that is crisp and nostalgic. I remember the joy, traditions and delight that I experienced during Christmas time as a child. I wish all of our memories from Christmas were good, I know this can be a hard time...

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