Let Us See

by | Aug 2, 2023

Do you ever need a fresh perspective?

Are you ever so bogged down with your current circumstances that you can’t see the wonder of God around you?

Yea…I’ve been there too. When I find myself in that cycle, (and it happens quite often) I need a reset. A change of scenery. New eyes to behold His glory and the willingness to say, “Lord… let me see.”

I found myself in this space in October of 2021—overwhelmed by closed doors and beginning to doubt my calling and ministry. By the grace of God, the opportunity for a “sister trip” sprang up at the perfect moment. Five days—just me and my twin sister Brenda hanging out in the beautiful state of Wyoming. The perfect combination of snow and sunny skies. Talking about our good God from sunup to sundown.

It was exactly what my heart needed. A fresh perspective.

I’m not saying you need to get on a plane or visit an exotic place to see the wonder of God around you. What you need might be a long drive along the coast, a quiet park setting with a friend, or hiking on a trail in the rain. Or even a strong cup of coffee in your favorite chair with an open mind and heart to experience God in a new way.

A small taste of wonder has the ability to open our eyes to more. More of God’s goodness. More awareness that grace comes in a variety of forms—the good and the not-so-good. More knowing our place in the grand scheme of it all. 

A beautiful mountain is what God used to open my eyes to more.

What if we made Elisha’s prayer from the book of 2 Kings our own? “Open our eyes Lord and let us see.” Maybe, just maybe, the whole mountainside would be filled with horses and chariots of fire surrounding us, too. Landscapes vary, but the wonder of God sticks with us no matter what.

For me, it was the silently falling snow. Blue skies peeking out of confused clouds. Bright yellows and greens against the jagged rocks. The whole side of the mountain filled with His glory. 

As we trudged through the slushy-snow-mixed-with-mud trail, our eyes couldn’t help but look up and around. I began to realize that the messy journey didn’t matter. The pinnacle of our hike centered on the view, not the road it took to get there.

What a wonder to see God providing a fresh perspective. It was a gift, an answered prayer—these eyes beginning to see again.

When we ask again and again, “Lord, let me see you,” keep asking and looking with intent. He’s everywhere if we have the eyes to see Him. In every single place and every single face. In every pine-covered path… whether the trail is fresh and white or covered in mud.

Do you need a fresh perspective? Open your mind and heart to experience God in a new way. 

-Wendi Lou Lee, “Baby Grace Ingalls”

Wendi Lou Lee is a follower of Jesus, a former child actor, and author of A Prairie Devotional and Red Tail Feathers. The four seasons she spent on Little House on the Prairie playing Baby Grace Ingalls are among God’s greatest blessings. In 2015, Wendi was diagnosed with a brain tumor that changed the direction and purpose of her life. Her surgery and recovery led to a newfound freedom, sharing her story of God’s goodness through life’s most difficult circumstances. Connecting with people—one person at a time—brings Wendi the most joy. Her soon to be released new book, Red Tail Feathers, trace Wendi’s journey of discovering God ’s grace in all of life’s circumstances and challenges you to do the same.


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