Who is God?
He is Merciful, Steadfast, and Gracious.
A Friend of sinners,
Slow to anger and abounding in faithfulness.
Who is God?
He is the Great Comforter.
In the grip of grief, He holds every tear.
There is peace in His Presence,
Lean in and draw near.
Who is God?
He is the Mighty Healer.
With one word from His lips or a gentle touch of His hand,
He raises the dead, restores the sinner, and makes the broken whole again.
What is Love?
It holds mercy and grace in the palm of each hand,
Ready to give it generously and free
To a sharp tongue or wounded heart that is in need.
What is Love?
It comforts, holds, and walks with the downtrodden,
No words are needed, just intentional, thoughtful action.
What is Love?
It is a life-giving word
That can heal a heart hardened by years of rejection,
Resurrect buried dreams, birth a new destiny,
And lead a weary soul in the right direction.
If God IS Love…
We have no need to fear.
Jesus’ loving sacrifice made it crystal clear
That we can stand before God righteous and clean,
Forgiven of our sins, set free, and redeemed.
God demonstrated His ultimate act of love
By sending Jesus, His One and Only Son
To show us Love – in words and in deeds.
To show us that THIS is the Love we most need.
To know WHO God is,
Is to know WHAT Love is.
Get to know God.
Sit at His feet.
Bask in His glory.
Harness His strength when you are weak.
Be still in His presence.
Receive His grace.
Obey His ways.
Seek His face.
To know God is to know Love.
Believe Him.
Receive Him.
Live Loved!
Knowing Who God Is Together,

Copyright 2022. Valerie L. McMahon. Spoken Word Poetry