I didn’t realize how upset I was until I stepped out of the house and made my way to the car. My mind was swirling with thoughts – a mix of anger, disappointment and shame: I’m a failure. I’m never going to be a good enough mom or wife. It’s not safe to be...
How To Hug A Cactus: BROKEN
We were just kids: 14 and 16 years old. A freshman and a junior. We went to the same high school and the same church. John was the leader of our campus Christian club. ANGEL: The first time I met him I thought, “That’s the man I want to marry.” We married at 19 and...
The Tension Between What is Seen and Unseen
A few years ago, I was living a double life. The “seen” Valerie was a leader in ministry, friendly, engaging, and seemed to have it all together. Then there was the “unseen” Valerie who was acting out in fits of rage toward her family; battling anxiety,...
The Healing Power of Community
Reclaimed Story exists to help women get unstuck from things in their past that hold them back from living the life they were created to live. Through a vibrant life with Christ, Biblical teaching, and honest community, our passion is to bring hope and inspire...
The Next Right Step
Do you ever find it hard to make a decision? Sometimes, we so badly want to do the right thing or make it perfect that we overthink things and get stuck not knowing what to do next. Some call that "analysis paralysis". Have you ever been there? I sure have. In fact, I...
Have You Ever Wanted Power and Control?
From when I was 16 to 19 years old, there are things that happened during that time I am not proud of. In fact, I have spent years trying to forget them. We had a family friend that had been in my life from when I was 8 to 19 years old. By the age of 16, I trusted him...
Come Out Of Hiding
“I was afraid, so I hid myself.” Genesis 3:10 — “Ready or not…here I come” **cue squeals and giggles from the bare feet sticking out from behind the curtains** The simple joy of a child in being found can teach us, adults, a lot. Recently, as I was thinking...