Come Out Of Hiding

by | Feb 5, 2019

“I was afraid, so I hid myself.” Genesis 3:10


“Ready or not…here I come” 

**cue squeals and giggles from the bare feet sticking out from behind the curtains** 

The simple joy of a child in being found can teach us, adults, a lot. 

Recently, as I was thinking about the game of hide and seek, it reminded me of the first few chapters of Genesis. Hang with me, I will explain. 

It is in these chapters we see the original intent of God’s relationship with us. A relationship filled with intimacy and closeness. It is so beautiful that God’s desire is to be with us, the very people that He created in His own image. 

The closeness of Adam and Eve’s relationship with God was interrupted upon sin’s entrance into the world. A drastic change that would affect all humanity in one word: Hiding. 

“And the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” Genesis 3:8 

The all-knowing God utters 3 words, already knowing the answer. 

“Where are you?” 

“I was afraid, so I hid myself.” Adam replied 

When I think about Adam’s words, I can’t help but think of my own life. When we are struggling with something that we have done, isn’t it also our first instinct to hide? 

Have you ever hid to avoid shame? 

Perhaps hiding looks like ignoring a phone call when a particular person calls because you don’t feel like you measure up to their expectations. 

Maybe it is avoiding someone that used to consider a friend because in a moment of vulnerability you opened up about things you wished you hadn’t. 

Or as Adam did, we hide from God when we feel we have disappointed Him. Have you ever done that? Shame is a very interesting thing. 

Brene Brown defines shame as: 

“The intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.” 

Those two words, “Therefore unworthy” say a lot because shame is identity-based. 

In Genesis, rather than confess what they did (conviction), Adam and Eve hid who they were (shame). 

When we as believers lose sight of our identity in Christ, like Adam we tend to hide in shame. Shrinking back from stepping into the destiny that God created for us. 

The crazy thing about the gospel is that even when our behavior falls short, that wrong behavior doesn’t ever change your value or your worth. 

There was a time before shame. 

Before Adam hid, Genesis tells us, “Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” (2:25) Some translations say, “naked and unafraid”. What a beautiful picture to be naked (in our body, our actions and our heart) before God and feel no shame. 

Do you know, you can have that now? 

The all-seeing, all-knowing God sees you when you are hiding and says those three words: “Where are you?” Because of His love, He pursued you, forgave you, redeemed you and loves you, restoring the fellowship and intimacy that was lost in the garden. He calls you to come out of hiding and into grace and unconditional acceptance. 

He loved you so much that He sent His Son Jesus to pay the price for your shame and draw you into everlasting love that nothing can ever separate you from. (John 3:16, Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 8:35-39) 

Grace embraces you as you are because it’s not dependent on you. 

Over the next few weeks, we are going to dig a little into the truth of who God is and the truth of who He says we are through the person and work of Jesus Christ. 

These truths are foundational to our freedom and our identity. When the enemy comes to attack us with shame, he attacks us in our weak places. It’s time to reclaim those weak places by fully walking in the truth of Jesus’ love. 

It takes courage to step out of hiding and step into the journey of discovering the freedom found in full restoration and love with Him; holding nothing back, surrendering everything, and believing Him over everything else. 

“Will you risk living free?”

Christine Caine 

Darkness isn’t something in itself, but rather the absence of something. Darkness is the absence of light. 

The darkness of shame is the absence of the light of the truth of LOVE. At times, we don’t believe the truth of what has been done for us and who we are in Christ. 

Shame is the tape that plays on repeat in our minds of what we are NOT. It keeps us hiding in the dark. 

Hosanna: Figless



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  1. Elizabeth Snyder

    Thank you for the encouragement today!!!

    • Denisha Workizer

      Elizabeth, so glad it encouraged you!! Have a wonderful day!

    • Alicia Suarez

      Thank you! <3

  2. Tiffany Welty Lewis

    I love how you used children to illustrate a beautiful reminder that we can be excited to be found! I could see it in my mind, me pulling back the curtain separating me from my hiding 5-year-old. His giggles lead me to his hiding spot. And now his body, folded over in the sheer joy of laughter brings a smile to my heart as I rush in his hiding spot for some snuggles and the repetitive question, “How did you find me?” Thank you for writing this post! I so enjoyed it.

    • Denisha Workizer

      Tiffany, I love how kids have so much joy! When God asked, “Where are you?” He really knew where they were, kinda like when we see the toes or hear the giggles. It is so much fun being found!

      • Tiffany

        I agree! Nothing puts life back in perspective than when spending time with kids.

    • Alicia Suarez

      Father’s delight in us as His children boggles my mind. We definitely have to continue to rediscover/remind ourselves of the truth of who He is, because when we do, it shifts our perspective; of Him and of ourselves. He’s so good!

      • Tiffany

        Absolutely, 100% good!

  3. Ruthie Lemole

    This truth about how much God wants fellowship with us is what we need to be reminded of every day of our lives! Thank- you again, for the reminder to bring our cares and concerns to our heavenly Father, who is always there for us, anytime, anyplace. I love this!

    • Denisha Workizer

      Ruthie, thank you for your feedback! That is so true! I know that I need to be reminded of that every day!

    • Alicia Suarez

      Such an amazing reminder indeed! If we only realized how good He really is and how much delight He takes in us. 😀 I myself am trying to learn that and walk in that. Definitely a process. But such a fun adventure! Be blessed! <3

  4. Venezza Miller

    Thank you this has truly made me come to so many thoughts in the past week about things and my past decisions of where my focus is and has given me encouragement and reminded me that he is still and there for me always has amd always will be thank you i loved every word!and encouragement i am glad i actually waitied to sit down and read ot at the right moment. ♡♡♡

  5. Venezza Miller


    • Alicia Suarez

      Oh sis! I’m so proud of you! The work Father has done in your life the past few weeks has been amazing and it’s such an honor to get front row seats to watch that unfold. Keep seeking Him. He’s got you and loves you so much more than you know! Eyes on Jesus! ❤️

  6. Justine Lee

    This is a beautiful post. Thank you for delivering God’s message. So often I want to run away from God instead of running towards Him. I truly needed this.

    • Alicia Suarez

      Thanks friend! I know it’s a reminder I need all the time as well. He’s so good. Keep running towards His goodness!

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