Overcoming Fear Anxiety Depression

Pausing For Peace

Pausing For Peace

I have a confession to make. For many, many years I was addicted to being busy in life so that I would not have to face the fear I had around my past, my present, and my future. I was afraid someone might find out who I had been in the past or what I was struggling...

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Finding Comfort During Fear

Finding Comfort During Fear

When I was a little girl I was afraid of what was under my bed. I would fall asleep on my back, afraid that something would get me. I would get so worked up in my mind that I became convinced I would be a goner if I put my feet on the floor. This probably had...

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When Hope Feels Far

When Hope Feels Far

What a year we have been through! While watching the news or looking at social media this past year, did you experience the feeling that your insides were churning at the reality of all that was happening? We turn on the TV and hearing, “Covid numbers soar” or other...

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When Fear and Anxiety Strike

When Fear and Anxiety Strike

I know what it is like to feel paralyzed with fear. When all of the "what-ifs" are flooding your mind like rushing waves, so fast that you struggle to catch your breath. I've been there. If you find yourself overcome with fear, you are not alone. Things that are a...

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Who Is 6 Feet Away From You?

Who Is 6 Feet Away From You?

For a moment, I want you to think back on life before Covid19. Do you remember being in public with more than 10 people at a time? That feels like it was a long time ago. When you were in a line at Starbucks, did you strike up conversations with the person behind you?...

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When Suicide Came To My Family

When Suicide Came To My Family

There are some topics that I feel like I just can’t sit down and put a pen to the words because they are still too raw. Yet, even in my rawness, this is a topic that I cannot stay quiet about. We hear about it in the local news, online, in the Church, and recently...

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Free From Offense

Free From Offense

Over the past few weeks, Denisha talked about navigating the negative thoughts in our own mind that hold us back. It is always harder than we think it will be to listen to the truth of what God has to say about us, instead of the negativity. However, we have to learn...

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What are the thoughts that play on repeat in your mind?

What are the thoughts that play on repeat in your mind?

As we were cleaning out our garage recently, I came across a box full of cassette tapes from Middle School and High School. As I looked at the covers of the albums, it took me right back to the memories and feelings from that time in my life. One of the things we did...

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Counting The Cost

Counting The Cost

It was 2009, I was dropping our oldest son off for first grade at the school located on our church campus. Also on the campus is a beautiful, stone, chapel. The curved stone walls isolate a beautiful courtyard green with grass. Pillars and arches frame this peaceful...

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