…but no one could heal her.” ( Luke 8:43) NIV Have you ever been in a place of painful uncertainty, desperate for answers? I have. And I have desperately wanted to be in a much different place. Uncertainty can be such a lonely place, but isn’t it a space...
Generation To Generation: Transmission of Dysfunction and How to Stop It!
Dysfunctions tumble down through the generations, “piggybacking” on each other. Some of us have been victims of multigenerational tidal waves of dysfunction. To whatever degree you’ve been negatively affected by family dysfunction, I want you to know: It didn’t start...
How Jesus Used The “Least Of These” To Transform A Broken World
I just joined Instagram a year ago (I know, I’m late to the social media game) and I’ve been astonished at the marketing that takes place there. I follow my favorite authors and podcasters and it is clear that there is an art of self-promotion that people have...
After living a promiscuous life, wrecking relationships and trying drugs in my 20s, I was as empty as ever. I remember wanting to feel clean and being ashamed of the horrible reputation I had. I was searching for my value in others. I wanted to feel safe and...
Telling Myself The Truth
One day, when I was a young mom, I had a conversation with an older woman about how she seemed so at peace with herself. She said to me, “I’ve reached the age when I’m just not willing to lie to myself anymore.” I remember thinking “That sounds amazing! I wonder what...
I had been happy and content as a stay-at-home mom for 10 years. But after turning 30, I began to struggle with my identity. I started searching for validation, empowerment and purpose from outside voices and opinions. I joined a fitness group and found exactly what I...
How To Hug A Cactus: RESTORED
This is Part 2 of John and Angel Beeson’s story. If you have not had a chance to read Part 1 be sure to do so HERE. JOHN: In the weeks following Angel’s confession of adultery I was in a state of shock. I was asked to take a leave of absence from the...
How To Hug A Cactus: BROKEN
We were just kids: 14 and 16 years old. A freshman and a junior. We went to the same high school and the same church. John was the leader of our campus Christian club. ANGEL: The first time I met him I thought, “That’s the man I want to marry.” We married at 19 and...
A Thirst For Worth
Have you ever felt you weren’t enough? Enough for your parents, enough for your spouse, enough for your friends, even enough for God or yourself? The longing to be enough can often lead us to search for our worth and value in achievements or in relationships. The...