
The Father’s Heart

The Father’s Heart

“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.”  Psalm 103:8 The human heart has such an incredible capacity, yet such an unbelievable fragility.   It can love and it can lose. It can carry hope and also hurt.   It...

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Because He Lives

Because He Lives

Because He lives I can face tomorrow  Because He lives all fear is gone   Because I know, I know He holds the future And life is worth the living just because He lives Dressed up in a white bonnet and my prettiest pink dress with all the ruffles and...

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A Thrill Of Hope

A Thrill Of Hope

This time of year has a special fragrance in the air. One that is crisp and nostalgic. I remember the joy, traditions, and delight that I experienced during Christmas time as a child.  I wish all of our memories from Christmas were good. This can be a hard time...

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Have You Ever Wanted Power and Control?

Have You Ever Wanted Power and Control?

From when I was 16 to 19 years old, there are things that happened during that time I am not proud of. In fact, I have spent years trying to forget them. We had a family friend that had been in my life from when I was 8 to 19 years old. By the age of 16, I trusted him...

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He’s Not A Tame Lion

He’s Not A Tame Lion

There is a scene in the Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe where Mr. Tumnus is speaking with Lucy and says, “After all, He’s not a tame lion” and Lucy replies with, “No, but He is good.”  I think of this often when I catch myself drifting back into a “tame” view of...

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Reclaiming The Newness

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9  When I became the owner of my new car, I polished everything daily with careful detail. I found myself making sure there was no trash left in her when I got out at the end of the...

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What does “Freedom” look like?

What does “Freedom” look like?

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 Last week, one of the teenage students at the treatment center where I (Alicia) work asked to speak to me. She’s been unsure about the existence of God, faith in Jesus, and Christianity in...

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Who Are We?

Who Are We?

If you are anything like me, you can find yourself at times focusing on what you feel you DON'T have: the things you are lacking in, the areas you feel you aren't enough in, etc. But that is living on the wrong side of the I figured this week we would take...

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Reclaim The Ruts

Reclaim The Ruts

“…Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2 One of the hardest things about walking out our new life in Christ is that our thoughts form patterns. Patterns of thinking that are created over time. Think of a dirt road that has ruts worn into it...

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