Reclaim in Style
“When I wear my Reclaimed Story jewelry, it is not just an accessory for me. I am reminded of the love, grace, and hope I have in Jesus and the healing He is doing within me. Sometimes, it even leads to a conversation with someone about my faith.”
~Reclaimer, Tucson AZ

Treat yourself or someone you love to our signature Reclaimer Collection of jewelry.
As a community, we stand together contending for victory. As you wear these pieces may they encourage you on the journey of reclaiming your story.
Love more. Worry less. Give grace always.
Grace Giver
Treat Others as You Want To Be Treated. Be a Grace Giver.
Hope 18″-20″
Our Hope is in Jesus
Hope 16″-18″
Our Hope is in Jesus
Hope 16″-18″
Our Hope is in Jesus
Hope 18″-20″
Our Hope is in Jesus
Hope Morse
Hope Is Always Stronger Than Fear
I Am Valued~ I Am Loved ~ I Am Enough ~ I Am Not Alone
I Love You
I Love You Bangle
Inspire Yourself and Others in the Hope of Jesus.
It is Well
It is Well With My Soul
Jesus Cross
Elegant Cross with “Jesus” down the center
Life Is a Journey, Not a Destination
But the Greatest of These is Love.
Love Can
God is Love. When We Can’t, Love Can.
Love Morse
Let All You Do Be Done in Love