
Love Laid Down

Love Laid Down

If you hear someone reference the love chapter in the Bible most people think of 1 Corinthians 13. It tells us what love is and what it’s not, and it is used to paint a beautiful picture with words at wedding ceremonies and Valentine banquets.  But tucked away in...

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How To Love Prickly People

How To Love Prickly People

Don’t hug a cactus!  That should be lesson #1 from the desert. Lesson #2 would be to always carry enough water. Those two lessons can also hold true when it comes to dealing with difficult, or “prickly”, people. The truth is while many people will never see a...

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Emmanuel: Hope Is Always With Us

Emmanuel: Hope Is Always With Us

Over the last few months, my daughter and I have been memorizing different passages of scripture. We started with Zephaniah 3:17: "The Lord your God is living among you, He is a mighty Savior. He will delight in you with gladness, with His love He will calm your...

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