“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” Psalm 103:8 The human heart has such an incredible capacity, yet such an unbelievable fragility. It can love and it can lose. It can carry hope and also hurt. It...
The Tension Between What is Seen and Unseen
A few years ago, I was living a double life. The “seen” Valerie was a leader in ministry, friendly, engaging, and seemed to have it all together. Then there was the “unseen” Valerie who was acting out in fits of rage toward her family; battling anxiety,...
Because He Lives
Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone Because I know, I know He holds the future And life is worth the living just because He lives Dressed up in a white bonnet and my prettiest pink dress with all the ruffles and...
Life-Changing Power
When I think back on moments in my life, I can see how God was with me in the midst of things, even when I didn't know it. Even when I didn't feel Him, He was there. Wherever you are right now, God is not only listening, He is also in the process of rescuing,...
I Thought I Saw You
Lately, I have found my heart to be very heavy. There is so much fear, hatred, and division in the world. Some days I try to ignore it, other days it is too heavy to carry and my knees and my heart buckle under the pressure of its weight. Maybe you have...
The Quest For Joy
From what I am seeing on the news and social media, this quarantine is affecting everyone quite differently. I am able to work from home, so you would think my introverted self would be thrilled! That is true, I love to be at home, yet I also live with 4 other...
Hope Is Here
We are living in unique times. One day, I can be full of hope and gratitude only to wake up the next day with a hopeless and weary feeling. Life is full of surprises, but there is a constant in the midst of the unknown or craziness. This week is known as Holy Week,...
A Thrill Of Hope
This time of year has a special fragrance in the air. One that is crisp and nostalgic. I remember the joy, traditions, and delight that I experienced during Christmas time as a child. I wish all of our memories from Christmas were good. This can be a hard time...
He’s Not A Tame Lion
There is a scene in the Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe where Mr. Tumnus is speaking with Lucy and says, “After all, He’s not a tame lion” and Lucy replies with, “No, but He is good.” I think of this often when I catch myself drifting back into a “tame” view of...