Grateful For My Reclaimed Story

by | Nov 24, 2021

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57 

Jesus. My husband and three children. Our health. Good friends. My mom’s sobriety. Our home. Being self-employed alongside my husband. Homeschooling our children. The lake we live near, the trees we’re surrounded by, and the mountain we live on. 

The list of beautiful things that I’m grateful for could go on and on.

But what about pain and suffering? What about times of heartache and struggle? What about a broken marriage, adultery, and divorce? Can someone be grateful for going through such things?  

Give thanks in all circumstances;  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Before going through these very experiences, and certainly while going through them, I don’t think I would’ve answered yes to that question. However, the Bible is clear that we are to “give thanks in ALL circumstances”. So, what exactly does this look like?  

Am I saying that I’m grateful for having an affair that led to a divorce? No. But I  am grateful for the healing that both my husband and I went through that resulted in remarriage and a relationship that’s stronger than ever before.  

Am I saying that I’m grateful for putting my children through heartache? Never. But I am grateful that my husband and I  had the opportunity to show them what imperfection, humility, forgiveness, and a desperate need for Jesus looks like firsthand. 

Am I saying that I’m grateful for subjecting my heart to immorality and my body to  impurity? Definitely not. But I am grateful to be the healed and free person I am on the other side of those mistakes.  

Am I saying that I’m grateful for turning my back on the Lord, living in sin, and hurting His heart? Absolutely not. But I am wholeheartedly and forever grateful for being able to experience the Father’s faithful love and relentless pursuit of me, in a way I never had before.  

It is not easy to give thanks in the midst of a painful situation, or even to see clearly a reason to give thanks before you are on the other side of it. But God is faithful and trustworthy and His Word says that He works all things together for our good.

If we know that good will be the outcome for those of us who follow Him, then why not give thanks ahead of time? In the good and the bad, the easy and  the hard, the beautiful and the ugly, it is possible, through Christ, to give thanks. And not just possible, but it is the very will of God. 

This is a trustworthy saying that deserves complete acceptance: To this world Messiah came, sinful people to reclaim. I am the worst of them. 1 Timothy 1:15

So, whether you’ve made sinful choices, you’re suffering heartache, experiencing loss, or fighting against feelings of shame, look to the One who came to reclaim you.

He sees your heart, understands your pain better than anyone else ever could, and is waiting to reclaim your story! 

Regardless of whether you are just beginning, in the middle, or on the other side of healing from the pain of your past, seek thankfulness. Whether it comes easy, or is the last thing you want to do, rejoice! Whether it makes sense, or you can’t understand how it could possibly result in anything good, give thanks!  As you trust God to do His work of healing in your life, you too will be grateful for your reclaimed story.

Gratefully Reclaiming Our Stories Together,

Heather Johnson, Reclaimer

You can read more about Heather’s reclaimed story here: ; and you can listen to the podcast episode where Heather shares the story of her marriage being restored after an affair here:


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