We were just kids: 14 and 16 years old. A freshman and a junior. We went to the same high school and the same church. John was the leader of our campus Christian club. ANGEL: The first time I met him I thought, “That’s the man I want to marry.” We married at 19 and...
How To Identify Prickly People
We are really good at running fast-paced lives. We fill our calendars with commitments and obligations. We can do it all. Meet all the deadlines, show up for all the people in our lives. We are really good at saying “yes”. In fact, “yes” is highly...
How To Love Prickly People
Don’t hug a cactus! That should be lesson #1 from the desert. Lesson #2 would be to always carry enough water. Those two lessons can also hold true when it comes to dealing with difficult, or “prickly”, people. The truth is while many people will never see a...
A Thirst For Worth
Have you ever felt you weren’t enough? Enough for your parents, enough for your spouse, enough for your friends, even enough for God or yourself? The longing to be enough can often lead us to search for our worth and value in achievements or in relationships. The...
From Pain To Purpose
“…but no one could heal her.” ( Luke 8:43) NIV Have you ever been in a place of painful uncertainty, desperate for answers? I have. And I have desperately wanted to be in a much different place. Uncertainty can be such a lonely place, but isn’t it a space...
Reclaiming The Newness: Living A Vibrant Life With Christ
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9 When I became the owner of a new car, I polished everything daily with careful detail. I found myself making sure there was no trash left in her when I got out at the end of the day....
God’s Not Finished With You Yet
Have you ever said, “I will never…”? I know I have; maybe you have too. And Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples in the Bible, felt pretty confident that he would never betray Jesus. Yet, Jesus foretold Peter’s denial of Him right after Peter said, “Lord, I am ready to go...
A spoken word to you from Valerie L. McMahon Broken, Battered. Used, Abused. Abandoned, Neglected. Accused, Rejected. Our stories are filled with pages that hold pain and carry shame. But, friend, listen to the Master Story Writer who knows you and calls you by name....
When Going Back Launches You Forward
Everything that has happened in your past has brought you to where you are today. EVERYTHING. Whether those experiences were sad or happy, traumatic or uplifting, forgettable or memorable, they have all led you to right here and now. When I was a little girl my...